We headed to Leitch’s hut in the waikato area for a night we loved it.
The highlights
- Staying the night in the hut with the rain pelting down and the winds high and we were chilling inside by the warm fire roaring,

- Passing all the mini water falls on the way.
- One of the hunters gave us one of their spare gas canisters (as we accidentally forgot ours – lucky us)

- We were able to bring our dog, as we obtained a permit from Doc (was super easy anyone could get one). We were also able to bring her into the hut overnight.
- The achievement of making it there and back carrying our 15-17kg packs
- Meeting the people in the hut. We met two pig hunters and their four dogs, and also a dad with his two sons. The dad was a very experienced hunter/ outdoor man and his sons were following in his footsteps and he was teaching them about hunting/outdoor life. They had shot two goats and were very proud about this.( the boys)
- Another highlight was hiking out on Saturday night and coming across 20 people hiking into the hut and knowing we didn’t have to share the hut with them. (phew)
- Rushing to make it to the hut before dark on Friday night
- Chatting to people in the hut on Friday night about other hikes in nz and about adventure racing. It’s nice to connect with people who are into what you are into
- The last hour of our hike we were exhausted and wanted it to end
- The mud was challenging. It was pretty much on the most of the track so it tested our balance and made hiking harder, as sometimes it was rather deep with no way through except through the mud
- The torrential rain 3 days prior making everything slippery and super muddy
- Walking the first day in the rain and getting soaked through.

Where did we start our walk?
Leitch’s road near Tekuiti in the Waikato region
How many km’s and how long did it take to get to the hut?
8.5km and took 4 hours due to the mud (the sign said it should take 3 hours)
Did you need to book the hut?
No first come first serve, but you do need hut tickets which you get off doc
What does the hut have?
Drinking water