THIS IS 100% MUST DO PADDLE, BUT BEFORE YOU GO ANY FUTHER -Watch this 1 minute video below of the paddle up the creek to see the waterfall, lush forest and blue water. KEEN TO DO THIS ADVENTURE – YOU WILL LOVVEEEE IT……HERE IS SOME INFO BELOW TO MAKE IT EASY TO GET YOU OUT […]
This is a great hike to do, it is about 1 and half hours one way. To get to the start of the track I drove to the end of Waite Road (in Tepahu) one way, be prepared for 1km on gravel roads. You can continue on this track to the “Pahautea Hut” which take […]
We were on a mission to reach the summit of the Karioi Mountain near Ralglan. The crew was Jai and myself, and we decided to take the shorter track to the top. You can access the summit from two places, one from Te Toto Gorge carpark, and the second entry point is the other from […]
Location: Raglan, New Zealand Last weekend, a crew of us locals from Raglan headed out on the water, including Chris J, Chris G, Briar, Alyssa and her friend, Libby, Jai, Isa, Zac, Hannah, Kitty, and myself. We kayaked from Lorenzen Bay to Okete Falls in Raglan. The paddle took us about 30-45 minutes one way […]
This walk is actually very close to where I live and I walk it at least 3-4 times a week with my dog. It is a nice walk through bush and follows the estuary. You can access it from 3 spots, Robinson road, Wainui road(by the school) and Kaitoke street. The walk is about 20 […]
This was a great little kayak, we started from the bottom of Lorenzen bay, with our kayaks rented from JD of Raglan Adventures https://www.raglanadventures.co.nz They charge $60 for a double and $40 for a single for all day hire. JD, the owner of the busiess was super helpful and gave us a map to find […]
Today we made our way down to the Te Toto Gorge. It was a very sunny day, and the views were breathtaking over the water and cliffs. The Te Toto coast has a long and diverse history, from destructive volcanoes to ancient Maori settlements. Geologists can trace the history of the Gorge back an incredible […]
Time: 25 min one way Distance: 1 km one way Across the road from the Bryant Home Children’s Bible Camp, another track, through regenerating coastal forest leads to a seat, and to a water intake – the supply for Bryant Home. The track follows an historic water-race that in 1924 powered a generator providing electricity […]
For a couple of days we had stunning sunny weather where we are in NZ, so we decided to get some good footage of a well known short 20 min hike(one way) in Raglan. We went down the Bryant Track, which you can access just off the road beside Camp Raglan (On Wainui Road on […]